Dead in Sin
The dead in sin are lustful, power-hungry, greedy, covetous, filthy, wretched, miserable, poor, blind, naked, rotting carcasses, and the true walking dead. This is what I am without Jesus, this is what we all are without Jesus Christ in our hearts, on our minds, and guiding our actions. We are all resurrected from the dead by the power and grace of Jesus Christ, our faith brings us to life, our obedience keeps us alive and our gift is salvation by way of the Holy Ghost. God knows all things and nothing is hidden from Him. He gives us what we need when we need it, knowledge is no different.
Only God knows the name of every sheep; He has, He had, and He will have. Only God knows who will come out of their sin and choose Him, who will never come out of their sin, who will return to their sin and those who will flip-flop for a time. People choose whether or not to be one of God’s sheep, But God knowing all things past, present, and future knows your choices before you do.
This is why we are called to love our neighbors as ourselves [Love is God’s truth, God’s truth leads to salvation, interacting with people the way God wants us to is Love]. And pray for those that despite-fully use us, for those that hate us, for our enemies and forgive them. Now forgiving someone is from the heart, which means you aren’t holding anger in your heart toward them. God searches the heart.
Leviticus 19:17-18, Thou shall not hate thy brother in thine heart: thou shall in any wise rebuke thy neighbor, and not suffer sin upon him. 18Â Thou shall not avenge, nor bear any grudge against the children of thy people, but thou shall love thy neighbor as thyself: I am the Lord.
Men think this means you have to keep socializing with that person; that is a lie and the trick of the devil. In fact, God will never put more on us than we can handle, but the devil will. My yoke is easy and My burden is light; God doesn’t require a lot from us and He will never put more on us than we can bear. The things He requires and the things we must bear He is willing to help us with if we ask Him.
Example [A]
If a man rapes a woman; he should be punished, she should find it in her heart to forgive that man, but God doesn’t require her to socialize with the rapist or even go up to him and say I forgive you. God calls us to wisdom, not foolishness. Now as to why a woman would have to find it in her heart to forgive such a heinous crime is this; hate in your heart keeps you from God, God is love and you can’t stand before Him with hate in your heart. When these terrible acts happen to people forgiveness becomes very difficult to do, and if you pray to God and confess to Him that you are having a hard time forgiving this person and need His help to remove the anger and hate from your heart so that the anger and hate won’t keep you from Him, God will answer you and remove it instantly. God loves those prayers because it shows God you understand what’s at stake, you see the bigger picture. Remember our war is against spiritual wickedness in high places not against flesh and blood; it was the devil in that man. If you don’t forgive that man in your heart the devil will have victory over you twice. And when you forgive that man the devil has no victory at all, for our walk is a spiritual walk, not a fleshly one. It was your heart and soul the devil was actually attacking, not your flesh.
Ephesians 6:12, For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Example [B]
In marriage, if a woman commits adultery [betrayal], her husband is allowed to put her away and give her a divorce. Adultery is a betrayal that is so hurtful God no longer requires you to interact with that person. If thy right hand offend thee cut it off; God is letting us know that it is better to put those people away from us. For God removed the betrayers from heaven and has made it known to us that betrayal is worthy of death… for those thinking that it only applies to people that betray God, know this; whatever you do to the least of God’s children you did to Him.
Test the spirit and see if it is of God, and let the Holy Ghost be your guide.